In our commitment to transparency and access, we proudly share our pricing online and offer a sliding scale pricing model to help serve more Northwest businesses and organizations regardless of size. Track 3 reflects local production rates here in Seattle, all other Tracks are subsidized by Tideway Creative. We assess each project individually and will provide a more exact estimate based on the specific needs and scope of your project.

Nonprofit Tracks

Nonprofit Tracks are based on their annual operating budget & gross receipts.

Track 1

Annual gross receipts less than $1m, average project cost -10k

Track 2

Annual gross receipts between $1-5m, average project cost - 12k

Track 3

Annual gross receipts more than $5m, average project cost - 15k

Business Tracks

Business Tracks are based on their employee headcount.

Track 1

5 employees or less, the average business project cost - 10k

Track 2

6-50 employees, the average business project cost - 15k

Track 3

51 or more employees, the average business project cost - 25k